GAM-TV Preparing for Fall 2012 Season
Posted by angelchgo on Thursday, 2 August 2012

Filming for the fall season of GAM-TV has wrapped as of July 31 and editing begins for a September 2012 premiere. Three new webisode series are in the works, including a second sequel to the "Pink Underwear" series involving the main character's flamboyant friend, J.C. Watch out for "J.C.'s Moment of Panic--The Musical." In addition, GAM-TV will introduce its travel series with an insider's tour of Honolulu and the island of Oahu in Hawaii, as well as a biography of Chicago fashion designer Kevin Vong. With the September debut will come a presence for GAM-TV on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. For more information, e-mail Angel Abcede, GAM-TV's lead producer at All comments and inquiries appreciated!