'Break-up King' Set for Fall Debut; Sat. Sept. 20 Premiere Party

GAM-TV's Angel Abcede has written and directed another webisode with a debut party set for Sat., Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. at @mosphere, 5355 N. Clark in Chicago. The story is of an average gay, Asian male looking to make the biggest transition of all--one involving not one, not two but three major breakups. While sounding like a heavy topic, the lead character's upbeat persona and quirky partners make for an awkwardly hilarious series of unhappy endings. The piece--originally set to the requirements of HBO's Project Greenlight reality show--is using an extremely short 3-minute format to develop characters and speak to one of life's most difficult challenges: Facing one's own shortcomings.
The webisodes stars Mikey Apuada as the lead, Jennifer Elise, Robert Ertel, Rob Fore, Peg Swanson and features John Breen as "Blossom."
A $5 donation to the School Street Arts Movement, an AIDS-awareness charity will be asked. Cash bar. 7 p.m. cocktails with 7:30 p.m. showing. The webisode will be available for download on this site (click our Webisodes tab) after Sept. 20.