GAM-TV Introduces 'Panda' Cast

Day 1 of four shoot days for GAM-TV's spring season is in the can, with the first scene of the new webisode, "Panda," filmed last weekend. As shooting continues through the winter, GAM-TV would like to reveal its Chicago-based actors:
Tim (Panda): Tim Bouaphnah
Todd: Todd Opyt
Sukiat: ChoonMai DaiGinjo
Boss Bear: Billy Stevens
Mikey: Mikey Apuada
Brian: Brian Tremont
Tom: Joe Jang
And Mark: Mark Martell
Bears: Stephen Bacoate, Tom Browning, Robert Ertel and Rob Fore, plus extras
Production Assistants: Rob Fore, Tom Browning
Producer/Director: Angel Abcede
Panda is a four-scene webisode about a gay, Asian "bear" looking to redirect his path to love after realizing his last long-term relationship is truly over. Pressured by a zany, but well meaning activist roommate, he is forced to consider what he looks for in a lover--everything from size to race to sensibility. Look for Panda to debut in March 2013. And watch out for the remaining GAM-TV fall season of webisodes to debut in December 2012.