gay Asian

'Panda II' Showing in Phoenix--Thurs., Dec. 4 at 7 p.m.

GAM-TV is proud to announce a viewing party for "Panda II: Rise of a Gay Asian Bear" in Phoenix at the Kobalt Bar, 3110 N. Central in the mall, Thurs., Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. The viewing is free! DVDs will be on sale, as will 2015 Asians & Friends/Long Yang Club calendars.

'Panda II' Showing During International Mr. Leather Week

Panda II: Rise of a Gay Asian Bear to show during IML in Chicago.

GAM-TV has secured a showing of "Panda II: Rise of a Gay Asian Bear" during International Mr. Leather weekend in Chicago. It'll be shown on Sunday, May 25 at 3 p.m. (3:30 p.m. "Panda I" and 3:50 p.m. "Panda II") at Downtown Bar, 440 N. State in Chicago. $5 donation; cash bar. See you there!

Panda II Webisode Premiere Party, Sat. May 10 in Chicago

gay Asian bear, Panda, gay Asian, gay, leather man, romantic comedy, webisode

The webisode Premiere Party for Panda II: Rise of a Gay Asian Bear is set for Sat., May 10 in Chicago, at Downtown Bar, 440 N. State at 7 p.m. $5 donation to School Street Arts Movement, an AIDS-awareness charity. Cash bar. In this sequel to "Panda I: Tale of a Gay Asian Bear," (2013), the main character, Tim, is still trying to get over a hard break-up. As he bumps from dates to a threesome to a general dating slump, he soon spirals into an underground world of drugs, leather and the darker side of the bear scene. Will he rebound?

Popcorn Dress: Making of a Celebrity--Now Available

Designer Kevin Vong's Popcorn Dress--a Documentary

How celebrity is born is a mysterious and capricious process. Chicago designer Kevin Vong created the kind of spark that kindles celebrity by creating a unique dress fashioned from popcorn that he wore in the 2013 Gay Pride Parade in Chicago. It garnered much attention that even grew to a national level. But with the spotlight of celebrity also comes the flicker as the light dims. This documentary webisode captures the rise and fall of an unexpected celebrity: The Popcorn Dress. (Click on GAM-TV's webisode tab to download the documentary.)

Panda Viewing in Los Angeles, Thurs., Nov. 14

A showing of GAM-TV's "Panda: Tale of a Gay Asian Bear" will occur in Los Angeles, on Thurs., Nov. 14 at Oil Can Harry's, 11502 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif. The fun will start at 6:30 p.m. with the showing to begin at 7 p.m. Happy hour at Oil Can Harry's, with the viewing free to the public.

Fall 2013 Season to Start Mid-October

GAM-TV presents "Obama High," a documentary of a boy graduating from Pres. Obama's alma mater.

GAM-TV is set to transform itself in the coming months, having initiated discussions with members of Asians and Friends who have themselves started online efforts to strengthen the brotherhood of gay, Asian males. Over the coming weeks you will see GAM-TV blog entries entailing the incorporation of other websites, blogs, social media pages/members, meeting sites and other means to generate larger local and national communities. The content you've grown used to seeing here on GAM-TV will expand, but will also incorporate free elements delivered via sources such as YouTube and Facebook.

GAM-TV to Feature 'Popcorn Dress'

GAM-TV is doing a mini-feature on Asians and Friends Chicago's long-time member and supporter, fashion designer Kevin Vong, who created and will debut a dress made from 10,000 single puffs of popcorn, each individually glued on over the course of an entire month.

The dress design, which blends his Laotian roots with the glamor of a 1940s and ‘50’s ball gown is the centerpiece of AFC’s “Gayflower” float, a high-masted ship that is set to sail as entry No. 19 in this year’s Chicago Gay Pride Parade.

'Hug an Asian Day' in Chicago

Asians & Friends Chicago ( are planning a "Hug an Asian Day" ethnic dress-and-outfit pub crawl for Sat. May 11 at 7 p.m. It'll start at Bonsai Bar, 3503 N. Halsted in Chicago and make its way through the area's Boystown bars. The event is designed to market the organization and to celebrate the city's Asian Pacific Islander month. Organizers say last year's event was successful in drawing attention to the group and helping members socialize among other bar patrons.