Fall 2013 Season to Start Mid-October

GAM-TV is set to transform itself in the coming months, having initiated discussions with members of Asians and Friends who have themselves started online efforts to strengthen the brotherhood of gay, Asian males. Over the coming weeks you will see GAM-TV blog entries entailing the incorporation of other websites, blogs, social media pages/members, meeting sites and other means to generate larger local and national communities. The content you've grown used to seeing here on GAM-TV will expand, but will also incorporate free elements delivered via sources such as YouTube and Facebook. Expect the content to be entertaining but also informative.
On the topic of content, GAM-TV will debut "Your Pal Angel," a video blog featuring GAM-TV founder Angel Abcede filmed across the country, conveying his quirky personality while informing you of local and national events. Also on the plate for the fall are documentaries about a Filipino boy's graduation from Pres. Barack Obama's high school in Honolulu (see photo), the birth of a celebrity in "The Popocorn Dress" and the videotaping of a musical review that raised funds for a GLBT health center in the Philippines. All this and the growing links to other gay, Asian run websites promoting style, food and entertainment. Here's to GAM-TV's 2013-2014 season!